Our COVID-19 Message:

Like everyone, the team at Village Engage is closely following the news regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on recommendations from health experts, we have made the decision to postpone our “Let My People Go” event (which was scheduled for Monday, April 20th). And, the March 24th screening of the “After Parkland” documentary has also been postponed. Demand Films is in the process of refunding everyone who has pre-purchased a ticket. 

As with all the work we do at Village Engage, we are in the meantime considering the specific ways in which this public health crisis puts the issue of equity into sharp focus: Who is eligible for paid sick leave? What resources are available for the most vulnerable of our neighbors? If schools are closed, how does a single working mother who cannot work remotely manage childcare—and how do her children without access to Internet at home manage distance learning?  

Please keep our vulnerable neighbors in prayer as you, too, adjust your daily routine to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. In this time of social distancing, be sure to call your friends and family or set up video chats. Reach out and check in with them.

Now that schools are closed, there are plenty of opportunities to help with grocery delivery or other errands. Our friends at JustFaith Ministries have also put together a good list of suggestions for spiritual and emotional preparedness. Be sure to check it out here

Something else you can do if you are able: Donate to the COVID-19 Community Relief Fund, which is being organized by the United Way of Greenville County, Hollingsworth Funds, the Community Foundation of Greenville, the Jolley Foundation, and others.  

The COVID-19 Community Relief Fund will focus on supporting local nonprofit organizations working in areas identified as having high numbers of affected individuals, and those who are working with the most vulnerable populations in these areas to help respond to the physical health, mental health and economic impacts of the pandemic. This effort, in concert with partners such as Greenville County Schools and others from across the region, will coordinate with social service organizations and businesses focused on supporting children and families, hourly wage earners, workers in the gig economy, older adults, people living with disabilities, and other vulnerable communities.

One hundred percent of donations made to the COVID-19 Community Relief Fund will support efforts to provide relief to people impacted by coronavirus and its effect on the community.

Donations to support the COVIID-19 Community Relief Fund can be made securely by clicking here

Thank you for your continued support of organizations like Village Engage, whose mission is to draw attention to those communities who feel the impact of a public health crisis the most. 

As soon as new dates for our events have been established, we will let you know.

Wishing you good health,

Your friends at Village Engage